Art by Erika Taguchi-Newton

Monday, April 12, 2010

huladollsquidgirls Wood-mounted Print Set

** 4.14.10 - We have more! **
** 4.13.10 - Holy Moly! The batch of 8 I had sold out in less than 24 hours! Kyle, get the saw back out! We'll be making more. **

I'm very excited to announce that huladollsquidgirl prints are ready for purchase at my etsy store. They are $20 a piece, together as a set for $36. They are mounted on wood and ready-to-hang, so no need to find and spend more money on frames. They also look great on a shelf.

In my store:
Wood-mounted Print - huladollsquidgirl
Wood-mounted Print - huladollsquidgirl
Wood-mounted Print - huladollsquidgirllovestiki
Wood-mounted Print - huladollsquidgirllovestiki
Wood-mounted Print Set - huladollsquidgirls
Wood-mounted Print Set - huladollsquidgirls

huladollsquidgirls Wood-mounted Prints

The back already has a sawtooth hanger, and spacer at the bottom corners so they don't hang at an angle. They look like they are floating! I'll be signing them on the back.

huladollsquidgirls Wood-mounted Prints (Back)

1 comment:

M&M Studios Inc said...

these are awesome, I love them!