Art by Erika Taguchi-Newton

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Season of Payne's Gray

I'm a little obsessed with my new favorite color - Payne's Gray. It puts me in a misty, mysterious, magical mood. Last couple of projects looks like they are studies in gray.

Masks - Final
"We Hide in the Forest" is a triptych I really enjoyed doing. Each piece is 6x12, with the background that goes together. I did these for the Small Stuff show at Bear and Bird, but I couldn't part with them just yet. So I got some really nice limited edition canvas giclees done for the show (

Prints are available here:

Whenever I decide to do a series, I usually get bored after the second one. And I can never match up the color or the shading. So this time I decided to paint them all at the same time. What a difference! All came out with same tone and values. I'm very happy about that!

Here's the step-by-step:

Sketch - Masks

WIP - Masks

WIP - Masks

WIP - Masks

Couple of weeks ago I participated in a Harry Potter art show (another awesome Art Nouveau Event!). Not able to decide on what scene or characters, I ended up doing a HP-inspired piece. Another gray piece and an experiment with negative space.

Spell Casting Practice

Prints available here:

I didn't take any step-by-step photos, but here are some sketches:

Griffin sketches
Very loose griffin sketches and Hermoine detail sketch that I was playing with. I like the characters when they were younger. Teenage wizards are so annoying!

Griffin sketches
Finalizing the sketch and a layout thumbnail.

On the side note, the Christmas cards are all available on my Etsy site - Thanks!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nosferatu and Autumn Schedule

Bear and Bird's annual Halloween group art show is coming up. I missed last year so I made sure I submitted a piece this year. This year's theme was "Creepy Cinema," so I decided to do one of my favorite film vampires - Nosferatu. Opening night is October 1st, hope you can make it!


I also decided to have a little fun with the print (available in 11x14 and 8x10):

Nosferatu with title

Also on October 1st is StitchRock!, my favorite local indie arts and craft event. I will have a table there where I'll be hawking this print and many others, including Christmas cards. I'm also going to have for some limited edition canvas giclees, hopefully they will come in on time.

In November, I'll be heading back to Atlanta for ICE (Indie Craft Experience). Going to be a busy autumn - ready, set, go!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back from DragonCon

I survived DragonCon! And I had the best time. It was quite intense, the morning started around 9am and the show closed at 8pm for 4 days. Monday was a short day but it didn't feel like it. If it wasn't for my friends who helped me at my booth, let me crash at their house, and just being there, I think I would have fallen apart. I hope they know how much I appreciate their support through all this.

I was able to complete my latest piece for the show and it was a big hit. It also sold in the auction which was a huge thrill for me. I can't wait til next year!

Blowfish Dream - Final
Prints available here

Next on the calendar is PalmCon, a local 1-day comic book convention (9/17). And then my favorite local indie show, StitchRock! (10/1).

Monday, August 29, 2011

There be DragonCon!

I'll be going off to Atlanta end of this week to attend DragonCon, my first out-of-state show. I still have a lot to do, including finishing a painting to be displayed there at the Art Show, and getting all my prints ready. I will have a Bazaar Table (BT-18) at, what looks like on the floor plans, the back wall of the Grand Hall West at the Hyatt Regency (Exhibit Level). If you are anywhere near Atlanta, you need to check out this convention. It is the ultimate geek fest (my kinda place!). And if you do check it out, I hope you'll stop by my table and say "hi."

Here's a little sneak peek of what's on my easel right now:
WIP - Blowfish Dream

I played around with this idea last year for a group art show at Pink Ghost, and I always wanted to do a bigger version of it:
Blowfish Dreams

Also finished for DragonCon is another huladollsquidgirl piece:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My apology letter to Edward Hopper

Dear Mr. Hopper,

Yes, it's true. Another pathetic parody has been painted of your masterpiece, "Nighthawks."

And I'm sorry, I did it. But rest assured it will never be as widely known as that nails-on-the-chalkboard version, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."

I know there has been many over the years from The Simpsons to that one with chickens, so I'm positive mine is not the worst offense. Yes, I butchered your lonely composition and the stark balance of warm and cool lighting. But please understand, I did it out of respect and love of your work. The task of recreating the mood you set has taught me that I have a lot to learn. I hope if we ever meet in the afterlife, you will not dismiss me completely, but pat me on my head and say, "at least you tried."



Here's my "Nighthawks" homage, with the classic Univeral monsters:

Night at Karloff's
"Night at Karloff's" - 20x16 Acrylics

And some works-in-progress:

Sketches: Nighthawks
Some sketches of the classic Universal monsters

Sketch - Wolfman
Final Wolfman sketch

WIP: Nighthawks pencils
Final pencils on board

WIP - The Bride
The Bride is starting to get some color

WIP - The Wolfman
Wolfie is getting there

WIP - Karloff's (Color)

I wish I did a more horizontal piece like Hopper's original. It's just not the same without the street scene. Note to self: work more on composition. And don't mess with a masterpiece.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Florida Supercon and Star Wars

Florida Supercon starts tomorrow in Miami, and I'll be heading down there bright and early to get set up in the Artist Alley. This time I'm partnering up with another local artist Justin "Invi" Vilonna. I wanted to do something special for the show, so I came up with a tribute piece of my childhood hero, Wonder Woman. Her invisible plane just makes me giggle with delight.

Wonder Woman
Prints available

I came up with my own version of the plane. I know, I know... who would paint a face on an invisible plane - you can't see it. Hey, it's my invisible plane, ok! And it's going to have a face! With teeth! (For those plane enthusiasts, it's based on P40 Warhawk.)

Last week, I was part of another amazing show at The Lounge put on by Art Nouveau Events. The theme was Star Wars, so I couldn't stay away. My contribution to the show was "Teatime with Wampa":

Teatime with Wampa
Prints available

I'm really happy with how this came out. My only regret is that I didn't have more things on the table, it's a little sparse for teatime...

Friday, April 29, 2011

ArtRock! 2011

Just over one week away from ArtRock!, this show has a special place in my heart. Not only is it created by my dear friend and super-cool-awesome-girl, Amanda Linton, it was my first art fair, and that was only just last year. This was the show that infected me with inspiration to start showing my work and get serious about illustrations. This year, I'll be joined by Little Lina and she has some exciting new pieces to show. She's threatening that she'll be painting live!

Floridians, come by and see some awesome local artists at ArtRock! next Saturday, May 7th!!!

My Next show! ART ROCK 2011!

I would also like to announce couple of new shows I'll be attending. I'm getting out of comfort-zone of Florida and exploring Atlanta. Grateful for being able to visit one of my best friends, an Atlantian, I've been able to check out their art scene last couple of years. I will be doing Indie Craft Experience (ICE) in June, and the big whammer-jammer of a comic con, DragonCon (September)!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What happened to spring?

Here in Florida, it's already summer temperatures and rising... March and April just flew by. Some ups and downs - death in the family, caught the flu... twice, awesome comic book convention, and couple of super art shows.

Megacon was fantastic and I caught the fever! I want to do more! I saw and met wonderful artists and somehow felt like I was in the right place in the center of all things geek. I submitted for DragonCon in Atlanta. Just waiting for the jury rounds to be completed to see if I got in. If not, I'll stick with smaller cons and try out again next year.

My booth at Megacon

I also finished couple of paintings.

Rainmaker - Final
This one was a massive piece for me at 18x24. It took few months to complete, not because it was overly complex but because I did so many smaller (faster) works during it and kept putting it to the sidelines.

One of those smaller works, "Swing" was a fun piece. I tried to paint loose and expressive. And really fast. Not sure if this is "me", but I enjoyed the process.

Coming up in a couple of weeks is ArtRock put on by amazing Amanda Linton. I will be sharing the booth again with my pARTner in crime, Little Lina. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February Re-cap

The second month of the year blew by like it's the shortest month of the year! Oh wait...

Couple new pieces were completed for the monthly art shows - Howley's and The Lounge. Both themes were Valentine-based so I did companion pieces - "Roses are Red" & "Violets are Blue".

Violets are blue

Roses are Red

These were painted on very soft wood panels. I learned a few things about painting on wood. If you don't have the wood sealed, because acrylic is water-based medium, it will make the grain of the wood more rough. I found an excellent sealer called "Sanding Sealer" by FolkArt found at a craft store. I only needed to sand lightly to get rid of the fibers and it kept the wood smooth no matter how much medium I was using.

I am still experimenting with painting on gold and silver leaf. I have one tip about applying the adhesive. Make sure you brush it on smooth and leave no beading or texture. You will be able to see every rough brush stroke when you apply the leaves. I have been painting on it with acrylics by applying 2 thick layers of matte medium for the surface. And I have also tried water-soluable oils. But I think it's time to bring out the real oils.

Now my attention shifts to March and what it will bring at the end of it - MegaCon! New pieces are in process. Prints, banner, travel plans... lots to do.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Steampunk at The Lounge by Art Nouveau Events

Couple days ago (Wednesday), I participated in a Steampunk show at The Lounge (West Palm Beach), curated by Art Nouveau Events. Teresa Korber puts on this awesome monthly event, with each show a different theme.

For the show, I put together couple of pieces painted on vintage gold-leafed plaques found years ago at a yard sale. I almost got rid of them last month, not knowing what to do with them. I'm glad I kept them because I love how these came out.

Steampunk Angel

Steampunk: Airship Captain

Work in progress:

WIP - Steampunk Angel

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's "Promises, Promises"

Happy New Year! I'm hoping for a very exciting year. I started it off with a trip down to Miami at the Wynwood Art District's Wynwood Market. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, there is a Gallery Walk, and the outside market is located in the middle of everything. I hope to be there again next month.

Tonight is opening night of Howley's monthly art show, put on by the infamous Amanda Linton. Lowbrow art and milkshake, perfect combination! This month's theme is "Resolutions." I didn't really want to reveal my New Year resolutions, so I decided to put them in a bottle and send it out into the unknown. This piece is called "Promises, Promises" and is 8x10 Acrylics:

Promises, Promises

My under-drawing:

Sneak Peek: Resolution