I think I made her bangs a little too puffy.
Today's reference is from octoberjoy:
(I started Must sketch! project so I would force myself to sketch for no other reason than to just sketch... maybe I should have called it "Just sketch! project". If you are reading these posts, critiques are always welcome.)
What type of paper and pencil are you ladies using?...my pencil strokes seem thuggish at best.
WOW They all look so good! Erika, I love the proportions(sp?) they are perfect, and the hand is right on, I had such trouble w/ the fingers this time.
Dean I love your style and can't wait to see more!
I am using the LAMEST of all cheap technical pencils because my kittens hid my favorite drawing pencil somewhere. Thx kids. My technical pencil cannot be sharpened into a nice point at all so I struggle with details sometimes because I get a smudge and not a crisp line. My paper is my Canson sketchbook, it's nice and big and I like to fill out the page.
Stay tuned for a rant on my chunky eraser!
I have a small sketchbook made by Cachet (I never heard of them). The paper is cream in color so it's like drawing on buttah (yum)! I have 2 mech pencils, 1 with blue leads and 1 with 2B leads. Sometimes I use HB, but always go back to 2B. I think the practice of using blue lead came when I was doing animation or comic books, because blue doesn't show up when scanning/copying in black & white. I like the way I can get the structure of the sketch without committing to it with graphite. Oh and I also use a kneaded eraser.
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