Art by Erika Taguchi-Newton

Friday, April 29, 2011

ArtRock! 2011

Just over one week away from ArtRock!, this show has a special place in my heart. Not only is it created by my dear friend and super-cool-awesome-girl, Amanda Linton, it was my first art fair, and that was only just last year. This was the show that infected me with inspiration to start showing my work and get serious about illustrations. This year, I'll be joined by Little Lina and she has some exciting new pieces to show. She's threatening that she'll be painting live!

Floridians, come by and see some awesome local artists at ArtRock! next Saturday, May 7th!!!

My Next show! ART ROCK 2011!

I would also like to announce couple of new shows I'll be attending. I'm getting out of comfort-zone of Florida and exploring Atlanta. Grateful for being able to visit one of my best friends, an Atlantian, I've been able to check out their art scene last couple of years. I will be doing Indie Craft Experience (ICE) in June, and the big whammer-jammer of a comic con, DragonCon (September)!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What happened to spring?

Here in Florida, it's already summer temperatures and rising... March and April just flew by. Some ups and downs - death in the family, caught the flu... twice, awesome comic book convention, and couple of super art shows.

Megacon was fantastic and I caught the fever! I want to do more! I saw and met wonderful artists and somehow felt like I was in the right place in the center of all things geek. I submitted for DragonCon in Atlanta. Just waiting for the jury rounds to be completed to see if I got in. If not, I'll stick with smaller cons and try out again next year.

My booth at Megacon

I also finished couple of paintings.

Rainmaker - Final
This one was a massive piece for me at 18x24. It took few months to complete, not because it was overly complex but because I did so many smaller (faster) works during it and kept putting it to the sidelines.

One of those smaller works, "Swing" was a fun piece. I tried to paint loose and expressive. And really fast. Not sure if this is "me", but I enjoyed the process.

Coming up in a couple of weeks is ArtRock put on by amazing Amanda Linton. I will be sharing the booth again with my pARTner in crime, Little Lina. Hope to see you there!