Art by Erika Taguchi-Newton

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Just completed new hula squid girl painting - huladollsquidgirlsurfs. I will be submitting it to Howley's Restaurant monthly art show. This month's theme is "Summertime Fun Time". It's acrylics and 8x8, a little bigger than the previous hula's. I hope to do some wood-mounted prints and list it on Etsy real soon. It will probably be the same size as the other prints, so it can work as a series.

The original will be for sale at the show.

Also submitting for Illustration Friday theme - Slither.

huladollsquidgirlsurfs Final

WIP - huladollsquidgirlsurfs pencils

UPDATE: Photo at the show
Artist Erika-Taguchi Newton revealed another Hula girl for the show.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Absinthe Fairy Plaque

Absinthe Fairy wood-mounted prints are now available on my Etsy store. They are 8x10 ovals, with saw-tooth hangers, so they are ready-to-hang. They are varnished with glossy finish and stained dark on the back. They also have spacers on the bottom corners so they hang nice and look like they float off the wall.

Absinthe Fairy Plaque

Absinthe Fairy Plaque - Back

Excuse me for the "censored" image, I wanted to avoid flagging it mature.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Absinthe Fairy

I'm back to do some more fairy art - with a twist. This one's not so innocent like most of my other fairy illustrations. What fun!

Absinthe Fairy Final

My step-by-step:
Absinthe Fairy Sketch
WIP - Absinthe Fairy Pencils 1
WIP - Absinthe Fairy Paint 1